Despite a cooler and wetter grape growing season than 2018 South-East & South-Central England still had a 2019 season (April – October) average temperature (GST) over 1oC warmer than the 30-year (1961-1990) average.

Although nowhere near as warm as the exceptional 2006 season (15.14oC GST – 2.14oC higher than the 30-year baseline average) or the 2018 season (14.84oC GST) which was the driest since UK vineyard yield records ‘officially’ began (1989), 2019 demonstrated yet again that every growing season bar 1993 has been warmer than the baseline average period (1961-1990).

It also demonstrated that despite evidence of climate change and improving growing conditions we shouldn’t forget the critical role of inter-annual variability and the range of day-to-day, week-to-week or month-to-month changes in weather that play such a critical role in vintage variability and that make the UK one of the more challenging environments to grow grapes in.

If you are interested in finding out more about grape-growing weather and climate in your areas please contact

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