A research-led approach


Research and science are fundamental to what we do. We are thought leaders and collaborate with research bodies and universities worldwide. We’re well known for providing best-in-class sector research, viticulture climate science, and strategic and operational expertise to grape growers and wine producers.

If you’d like to commission us or discuss vine or wine related research projects we’d love to hear from you.

Cover Crop Research

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs initiated and funded a Farming Innovation Project (FIP) under the Innovate UK banner. The two-and-a-half-year project commenced in 2022, specifically to support the research into groundcover management practices.

The key aims and objectives of the project were to:

  • Identify cover crop mixes best suited to different soil
  • Compare the impacts of different weeding strategies
  • Evaluate the impact of these ground cover management strategies on vineyard soil health, yield and juice quality

With our partners from NIAB, the University of Greenwich, T. Deene & SonsChapel Down and Gusbourne we conducted extensive trials, collected data and delivered our results to the wine community on 27 November 2024. 

If you’re a WineGB member, you can view the webinar online via the button below. Alternatively, get in touch with Paula Nesbitt via email: paula@vinescapes.com

Sustainable viticulture
Graph vineyard area

Climate Change Research

A team of researchers, led by Dr Alistair Nesbitt of Vinescapes Ltd, with scientists from the University of East Anglia (UEA), the London School of Economics, and Weatherquest Ltd have charted the potential for the UK wine sector over the next 20 years.
Drawing on the latest detailed climate projections, they have developed cutting-edge capability to model and map the best opportunities for grape growing and winemaking in the UK. This valuable research showing the best locations for vineyards in the UK – now and in the future – critical for investors and stakeholders in the sector.
The findings were published recently in the journal OENO One, by the International Viticulture and Enology Society, ‘Climate change projections for UK viticulture to 2040: a focus on improving suitability for Pinot Noir’. The study shows how the climate of a larger area of England and Wales is projected to become suitable for reliably growing sparkling wine grape varieties, and how the potential for high quality still wine production is rapidly emerging.

Regenerative viticulture

The regenerative viticulture foundation

Dr Alistair Nesbitt is a founding trustee of The Regenerative Viticulture Foundation.

We are proud to support the work of this vital foundation which provides resources, support and education to the wine industry about how to farm more sustainably, how to work with the natural ecology of a place and to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

If you're a wine grower or producer, Vinescapes encourages you to find out more via the link below.

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