These regional training workshops (SW – 20 April and SE – 26 April) will focus on understanding soil health and fertility, including its ability to make nutrients available and its capacity to hold water, and how this is influenced by its physical, chemical and biological properties. The workshop will discuss good soil management methods and how these benefit vine health, crop yields, quality and vineyard productivity, as well as improve biodiversity, carbon sequestration and sustainability.


Learning aims and objectives

By the end of the workshop attendees will gain an understanding of:

  • Soil types and soil physical properties
  • The effect of soil texture and structure on soil fertility
  • The importance of soil organic matter
  • Soil pH and its influence on nutrient availability
  • Nutrient uptake by plants
  • The important role of mycorrhizal fungi
  • Cation Exchange Capacity
  • The Soil Food Web
  • The ways water moves through the soil
  • How to avoid soil leaching
  • Taking soil samples for analysis and interpreting results
  • Soil management options

The workshop will include a practical session to dig a soil pit for:

  • Practical assessment of soil texture and structure (VESS test)
  • Earthworm counts
  • Slake tests
  • Observing rooting depth and penetration
  • Observing rhizosheaths -an indicator of soil health


COST: £165 + VAT


Joel Jorgensen, Vinescapes Director and Viticulturist

Joel grew up in the Cape Winelands of South Africa and viticulture has been a life-long passion of Joel’s. He gained a BSc in Viticulture and Pomology from Stellenbosch University before being drawn to the UK’s flourishing and rapidly expanding wine industry. After managing a large organic and biodynamic vineyard in Hampshire, Joel spent several years as Operations Manager of a very successful vineyard contracting business. Joel is a self-proclaimed ‘vine nerd with muddy hands’ with a passion for sustainability in all senses of the word; from improving soil health, creating biodiversity, increasing vineyard longevity, improving efficiencies and creating the perfect ecosystem within the vineyard.  Joel strives to create the perfectly balanced vineyard and a healthy natural system that will deliver a quality crop every year and provide a sustainable return on investment.

Carrying out vineyard tasks correctly is important to for productivity. These practical workshops are designed for those seeking to develop their practical skills.  Places limited.

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