Report 2 – Soil suitability information, landcover suitability and designated ‘protected’ areas


Soil texture, drainage, pH, fertility, nutrient and organic matter content are all important attributes in determining viticultural suitability. It must be noted that the accuracy of any soil suitability dataset must be validated by a physical survey and we strongly recommend that you contact us, as a qualified agent, to carry out this work. Contact: for more details.   

The suitability of land for viticulture will most likely depend on what the land is currently used for or composed of. Potentially suitable land for viticulture is likely to be limited to those classified as arable, horticulture or grassland because they are deemed most likely to exhibit viticulture suitability parameters. VineMAP references the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology’s land cover map (2015) provided at 25m resolution. The results are shown overlaid in an easy to read colour coded map.

This report also shows any protected environmental or historical areas within or near the selected land. VineMAP utilises Natural England’s and Historic England’s datasets to highlight any areas that would be restricted to viticulture due to specific designations related to wildlife, geological or historic interest.

View example report here

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