
Leading the research into viticulture and wine production
in a changing climate

Dr Alistair Nesbitt Vinescapes


Research and science are fundamental to our approach. We are thought leaders and work internationally, collaborating with research bodies and universities to provide world-class sector research, viticulture climate science, and strategic and operational expertise to grape growers and wine producers.

We lead on professional research and science projects. Our published work can be found in leading scientific journals.

Dr Alistair Nesbitt also leads the UK’s national body, Wines of Great Britain (WineGB), Research & Development Committee and lectures widely on matters of climate change and viticulture.

Graph vineyard area

Climate change projections

A team of researchers, led by Dr Alistair Nesbitt of Vinescapes Ltd, with scientists from the University of East Anglia (UEA), the London School of Economics, and Weatherquest Ltd have charted the potential for the UK wine sector over the next 20 years. Drawing on the latest detailed climate projections, they have developed cutting-edge capability to model and map the best opportunities for grape growing and winemaking in the UK. This valuable research showing the best locations for vineyards in the UK – now and in the future – critical for investors and stakeholders in the sector. The findings were published recently in the journal OENO One, by the International Viticulture and Enology Society, ‘Climate change projections for UK viticulture to 2040: a focus on improving suitability for Pinot Noir’. The study shows how the climate of a larger area of England and Wales is projected to become suitable for reliably growing sparkling wine grape varieties, and how the potential for high quality still wine production is rapidly emerging.

Sustainable viticulture
Soil health vineyard soil

Current Research projects:

£350K grant aids research into viticulture soil health and yields

Vinescapes are one of the partners for this important research project for the UK wine industry. The two-year project will receive a £350K funding grant from Defra’s Farming Innovation Programme (FIP). The research work, led by NIAB both at its East Malling Research Vineyard and on commercial sites, will investigate the potential impact of groundcover management practices on soil health, yields, juice quality and emissions. Vinescapes will lead on dissemination, exploitation and commercialisation of project outcomes.

Regenerative viticulture

Is regenerative viticulture the answer?

Great article by the Regenerative Viticulture Foundation, which is led by a team of trustees including Vinescapes CEO Dr Alistair Nesbitt.    Could regenerative viticulture be the answer to wine producers becoming front-line generals in the battle to save our planet?  Read the article here Is regenerative viticulture the answer?

Key research links

Or team take an active interest in relevant research in our sector and follow key work published in scientific journals:

Authors: Mike Trought is a fellow of New Zealand Winegrowers, member of the New Zealand Wine Industry Hall of Fame, adjunct associate professor, Lincoln University and honorary fellow, New Zealand Plant and Food Research. Amber Parker is a senior lecturer, director of the Centre of Viticulture and Oenology, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.

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