Read our published work and research


We are thought leaders and work internationally to provide world-class sector research.
We publish widely and our research work can be found in respected scientific journals and commissioned reports.
Dr Alistair Nesbitt is a Viticulture Climatologist with significant expertise in how weather and climate interface with wine production, globally.
The Vinescapes team also contribute to articles in the industry and national press, TV, radio and other media.

Recent Winery Design and Build

Why winery design matters

A winery can be so much more than an industrial production centre – it’s part of your brand and it can be as sophisticated as your wine. Wineries can also

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If you would like to know whether a particular parcel of land is suitable for a vineyard please contact us. Our assessments are backed buy internationally recognised scientific research and

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Vineyard monitoring

Vinescapes work with suppliers of products which help grape growers precision manage their vineyards. Trak365 are one such preferred supplier of data driven decision support tools. We work with Trak365

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The growing English wine sector

The number of new English & Welsh vineyards and their size continues to rise rapidly. By 2017 England & Wales had over 500 vineyards and an estimated 2,500 hectares under

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We love working with people, and when we get an opportunity to share our knowledge to help clients achieve their English wine dream we can’t wait to help.

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Topography of prospective vineyard land

Site evaluation

Vinescapes routinely use ultra high resolution (1 x 1 m) satellite or airborne derived terrain data to map and model potential vineyard sites. Using state-of-the-art geographic information software, topography, aspect,

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Publication: Winery Energy

Vinescapes’ Dr Alistair Nesbitt and associate Dr Mervyn Smyth from Ulster University have published the first review into energy use in English wineries. This review: ‘Energy and English wine production:

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